I adore mussels <3<3<3 and crab, and abalone, and oysters, scallops, hot pot shrimps.. almost every kind of seafood is LOVE and I cannot live without them...probably
thats so hard to answer.. can't I have all three??? flying would be so nice and fun teleporting would be cool and very practical... being invisible would be so fun too
I can't choose :( fine. If I had to, probably teleport
there was one moment that I would never forget. I had a couple of guy friends and we were running around playing some game. It was super hot, so they were like ' Its so hot" and proceeded to take off their shirts HA I guess I completely forgot that i was girl so i laughed and agreed "Yeh!" and took off my own shirt too.. *dies*
a friend is someone who you can talk to about and laugh at things that are beyound the usual "hows work, hows school, hows you brother etc" An acquaintance becomes a friend when you actually get to sincerely enjoy each other's company and find extra time to go out with.